Gummy Smile

A gummy smile refers to the excessive display of gum tissue when smiling, leading to an imbalanced aesthetic.

What is:

Gummy Smile

A gummy smile refers to the excessive display of gum tissue when smiling, leading to an imbalanced aesthetic. Aesthetica Medical Spa specialises in addressing gummy smiles, providing targeted treatments to achieve a more harmonious balance between teeth and gums, resulting in a confident and aesthetically pleasing smile.

How to Treat: 

Gummy Smile

  • Anti-Wrinkle Injections: Aesthetica may use Anti-wrinkle injections to relax the muscles that elevate the upper lip excessively, reducing the visibility of gum tissue when smiling. This non-surgical approach provides a subtle and effective solution.
  • Lip Fillers: Aesthetica utilises lip fillers to enhance the volume and shape of the lips, diverting attention from excessive gum display. Strategic lip augmentation contributes to a more balanced and attractive smile.
  • Laser Gum Contouring: laser gum contouring to reshape the gum line, achieving a more proportional and visually appealing balance between teeth and gums. This procedure enhances the overall aesthetics of the smile.
  • Orthodontic Solutions: In cases where gummy smiles result from dental misalignment, orthodontic treatments to reposition the teeth and address the underlying cause of excessive gum display.

Why Aesthetica?

  • Specialised Gummy Smile Expertise: Aesthetica Medical Spa specialises in addressing gummy smiles, with a team of skilled professionals experienced in providing effective and tailored treatments for this specific concern.
  • Non-Invasive Options: Aesthetica prioritises non-invasive solutions for gummy smiles, offering Botox and filler treatments that provide noticeable improvements without the need for surgery.
  • Customised Treatment Plans: Aesthetica tailors gummy smile treatment plans to individual needs, considering the unique characteristics of each patient's smile. Customisation ensures natural-looking and harmonious results.
  • State-of-the-Art Technologies: Aesthetica employs advanced technologies, including laser gum contouring, to enhance the precision and effectiveness of gummy smile treatments, ensuring optimal outcomes for patients.
  • Positive Client Experiences: Positive testimonials and documented before-and-after results showcase Aesthetica's success in achieving satisfying outcomes for gummy smile treatments, contributing to increased confidence and improved facial aesthetics.

Here to help

Contact Aesthetica

For enquiries or to book an appointment, please reach out to us.

​Exeter Castle Castle Street, Exeter, EX43PU
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